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Creative Living

Wow! Two posts in one day?!? I know, here I don’t talk to you for forever, and then bam, I am all up in your face….what’s a blog reader to do?

Well, since we are getting inundated with snow, and I am avoiding unpacking the last few boxes from our move 2 weeks ago (frankly because I don’t know where to put the stuff yet), I thought I would share some cool finds from the internet.

In the move to the new apartment, I have gone from a 3 bedroom apartment to a 2 bedroom. Needless to say, it is taking some creative organizing to find the storage space for all of our things.

I found a cabinet-futon and thought it was the coolest thing. Take a few minutes to watch this video..you will be amazed with what they come out with too.

While initially I thought this would be a good solution for my dilemma (sleeping in the livingroom, which is kind of tight on space at the moment)…I have decided to go for a sleeper sofa when taxes come in, instead. Why? Because I would still need to buy a sofa and pay for my father to make me one of those cabinet-futons. That is a bit more money than I want to spend. Especially when I can pick up a sofa bed for about $300.

If I come across anymore creative storage for small spaces, I will definitely share.


I have been inspired! By this woman. Now, granted Ree may not know me from the next nut job that posts on her blog (I have once), but as Anne of Green Gables would say….She is a kindred spirit.

Her writing style is that of a woman with great talent, and a bit of a warped sense of humor. I can relate to a woman who continually refers to her children as punks….Mine are affectionately refered to as my favorite wingnuts. It is a sign of endearment, so don’t get out the picket signs just yet. My children know this…they miss it when I do not say it for awhile.

I also love Ree’s photography. She captures great shots, but what she does with those shots and Photoshop are amazing. It has inspired me to give it a try.

I have also decided to get back into my blog. I know, your wiping the drool from your chin as we speak. Because we all know that you were going through the DT’s, with my being so lax in writing.

But it dawned on me last week, and then Pioneer Woman’s writing reinforced it. I am back in my small childhood hometown…I missed it. More than even I realized. And I want to chronicle that. Not that many will care, but if nothing else, maybe I can give you a glimpse into some humor in the boonies of New Hampshire.

On that note, this inspired writer and photographer has to go do the dishes. Ahhh living in the lap of luxury has it’s benefits. Oh and I will hopefully have some shots of mother nature rearing her head again by tomorrow. We are currently in the middle of our sixth nor’easter since December 1st. These are the winters I remember as a child. Back then I didn’t have to drive in it though.